Shan took the kids up to the Y right before sunset the other night. It is a pretty steep climb, but they made it after taking plenty 'o breaks. Madeline says next time, she's going to make it all by herself, so we'll have to see about that! I just love looking at the most important people in my life- I love, love, love them, every single one.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fish Lake Reunion
We were able to camp at Fish Lake this year with my extended family and it was so much fun! The children had a blast together hiking, fishing, and making crafts. One such craft was the infamous bamboo stick project (painstakingly brought from NC in the moving truck... much to Shan's delight:). Each child painted their own stick and we ended up with rainbow sticks, lightsabers, and swords. They turned out great and they loved hiking with them.
We decided to do the Calf Creek Falls hike, which is a perfect family hike. It follows a winding river through the bottom of a Canyon in Capitol Reef to it's source. It was hot and it took our caravan a few hours each way, but the children did great! When they tired, we'd just keep giving them Pixie Sticks and they'd perk right up. Hahahaha. They made it all the way!
Jen and I

And this is what we saw when we got there! It was so beautiful!!!
Cute Emelyse
And sweet baby James
The family shot.This one cracks me up... I am sacrificing an actual picture of me in a bathing suit for you to be able to check out Maddie's goggles.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Blueberries Galore
Meet Millie. She is so sweet. She and her husband, Peter, have owned this blueberry patch for decades. They are now in their 80s and still going strong! It is so cute to see them walking across the lawn holding hands...and I think they are in such good health because of all the blueberries.
Shan used to pick berries for them when he was 12 years old, and every year we go back to get our year's supply. This year, Peg helped us pick and we came away with almost 50 pounds! We loaded up two coolers full and brought them back to Utah. We are now enjoying them by the cupful, on cereal, and in muffins. And I'm waiting for Shan to make me a blueberry cobbler. (hint, hint:)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Fourth of July Fun
Seaside and Oswald Beach
One of the great things about our move to Utah is the proximity of our family! We had only been here a few days when we took a trip up to Oregon to visit and we made it out to Seaside, which is one of our favorite vacation spots and we all had so much fun. Shan's parents, sisters and their husbands, and nephews also came, but I have no pictures to prove it. (I decided I'm a terrible event photographer since sometimes I'd just rather enjoy the moment.)
One of the most memorable things on this Seaside trip, I wasn't able to photograph. Shan and I had gone on an early morning run (no camera) on the beach and we came upon two bald eagles feeding on a dead sea lion that had washed up on shore during the night. It was an amazing thing to see them so close and they were HUGE. And so beautiful. We couldn't get enough of them.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
She did it!
(Addition from Marisa: I couldn't have done it without my incredible sisters who have supported me through this whole process and pushed me on. When we signed up to run the race, I don't think any of us realized how important it would be. We have ironically all had separate struggles this year, but we conquered this and it felt great! Sisters are the best.)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
From Sea to Shining Sea
This was how the kids and I spent most of the first day- tuckered out from all the moving. Thank heavens for Shan and Doug who are steady drivers.
Doug drove the Penske most of the way and the kids took turns riding with him. Ryan ended up riding with him for most of the way. We got out the walkie-talkies and had fun bantering back and forth between vehicles. It helped immensely with the fun factor.
We took an unexpected stop in Nebraska to see my Aunt Judy and we had the chance to see the Omaha LDS temple and the visitor's center there. It is one of the sites where the Mormon pioneers camped for a very cold and difficult winter during their journey West. We learned about their houses, their wagons, and we got to dress up like them!
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