We've started another school year at another new school. The kids are doing great at Edgemont Elementary! (Go Eagles!) Ryan is now in third grade and Emma is in first grade. It pains me to see them grow so fast. It seems like yesterday when Ryan was just starting Pre-K and I cried the whole way home after dropping him off.
This year, Emma's class is a French immersion class, so she's learning French along with her regular studies. She has a morning teacher who is from France, and only speaks French to the children. She teaches them Math and Science. And they have an afternoon teacher who speaks English and teaches them language arts. I am amazed at how much French she has picked up in just a few short weeks! She is teaching Madeline too and it's fun.
We love all of their teachers, and they have also started piano and Hapkido (Korean Martial Arts) after school. On the first day of school, after Madeline and I had walked the kids to school, she looked at me and said, "We're all alone, huh, mom?" I tried not to laugh. She is very excited to start her cooperative preschool next week, where I will be teaching three times a month. Here's to another great year!