On Christmas Eve, the whole group went sledding. It was freezing so we only lasted about an hour, but there were plenty of runs between all the cousins, and aunts and uncles, and Nana too.

After a delicious Christmas Eve dinner, we held our annual live nativity. The kids are old enough now that they really love to play their parts. I think this is definintely the sweetest nativity ever! And with our very own baby Jesus (Dylan).
Sweet angels.
Mary fair. Every 7 year-old girl dreams of being Mary and this was Emma's lucky day.
Perhaps the most adorable wise man ever! Preston!
Jade was our little lamb.
Uncle Eric read from Luke 2.
And then, all the kids got new pjs to sleep in! Emma never did give up baby "Jesus."
We left cookies and hot chocolate for Santa with lots of letters.
The kids slept downstairs all in a row of sleeping bags. It took them a few hours to finally fall asleep, but they slept until after 7 so the parents were thrilled. And then the mayhem hit...
Santa left a mess in the front yard and a letter apologizing. You see, he was in a hurry and had to feed the reindeer on the front lawn.