Monday, November 10, 2008

I love our Veterans

This picture is of my stellar grandparents, Joseph and Marie Stobbe. It is the only picture I have of my grandpa wearing his military uniform so I thought it was appropriate for Veteran's Day. Grandpa Stobbe landed at Utah Beach in France on D+10 as one of the first replacements for the 90th division. He fought through extraordinary situations and was wounded three times. To this day, he credits his survival to the Lord for protecting him and answering his prayers, which were offered from fox holes and hedgerows when they were in dire circumstances. It is to this hero and so many more that I say thank you this Veteran's Day. Shan's grandpa, Knude Swensen, also fought in WWII, and Shan's uncle, Bill Youngren, fought in Vietnam. So many soldiers throughout America's history gave the ultimate sacrifice, and so many more gave where they could. What I love about these noble men is their love of freedom and their sheer bravery. Goodness and muscles are such a good combination. I love them- every single one.


Mom said...

I honor these two special people for so many things. Mom and Dad have lived lives beyond reproach. They walked the walk that they taught. Both are heroes in my eyes, and I will forever be proud to carry their name and their heritage. We who come from them and have learned at their feet are blessed indeed. Marisa, thank you for honoring them today.

elimy said...

Marisa I don't know your e-mail and I finally set up my blogspot. It is thebashawfamily.blogspot. Looks like things are going great with Shan home. Keep in touch. My e-mail is

Emily Bashaw

Jill T said...

I stole this picture off your blog, for our own records! Thanks for posting it. I enjoyed reading Grandpa's history/testimony last week about many of his war experiences. We are all blessed that he was so protected!