Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Heavenly Fome Evening

Most of you know that we spend time together as a family every Monday night. The official name is "Family Home Evening," but my darling Madeline said on Monday at about 5:00, "Mom, I'm so excited for Heavenly Fome Evening!" Sounds fun, right?


Peggy said...

AHahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! Absolutely. Now that is what the official term for our Monday night family get together will be. Heavenly Fome (or if we have milkshakes-Foam) Evening.
I HEART you for sure Madeline!
Love from your Mimi

Chelsea said...

Bahaha! That's so perfect. I love that kid. Henry calls it "Hanny Ho-nee nee."

Lori and Matt said...

Love it! when kids gets words mixed up it is so cute! Hope ya'll had a good one!

A.Jean said...

Thank you Madeline for a good laugh, with you, not at you. I love how little kids will relate waht they think they hear. Priceless.

Foote Family said...

How cute!! I always laugh when Olivia does something like that.