Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Madeline's Preschool Graduation

Madeline and I chose a cooperative preschool this year with some friends from Shan's program. It was a lot of fun to be able to teach and play with the kids. Madeline made lots of great friends, and took field trips to places like the fire station, the planetarium, Costco behind the scenes, and the animal museum. These are pictures from her "graduation." I made the graduation caps, and you can see how to make them on my other blog. They were super simple!

Madeline receiving her certificate from Ms. Kirstin.

These cute girls are some of Madeline's friends, Kiersty and Audrey.
Way to go Madeline!


Chelsea said...

Too precious for words. Seriously love the graduation cap. I think I'll make one with Henry just for fun, even though he hasn't graduated from anything. :)

Peggy said...

That graduation cap made me giggle with delight. It's so cute on her darling head. You are SO clever. So congratulations Madeline on your graduation from a stellar year in pre-school!
Love Mimi and Papa

A.Jean said...

Marisa, I'm not sure if the first one made it. If so fire this one out the door. Congrats Madeline on finishing pre-school. You are just gorgeous and you just ooze sweetness. Love the grad cap too.

Anonymous said...

oh Madeline! We love you! Congrats on your graduation!! :)