Thursday, June 11, 2009

Painted Lady

This year, we had the chance to watch a caterpillar form it's chrysallis and change into a butterfly. What an amazing thing for children and adults alike! First we fed it and fed it and fed it and watched it eat and eat and eat. Then, she stuck herself to the top of the cage and formed a "J" shape and became encrusted with his cacoon. About five days later, she popped out and was a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly! We let her stay in the container for a day while her wings dried, and then the kids let her go and away she flew. Emma especially loved it and decided to do her end-of-year project on the life cycle of butterflies.

She flew out so quickly, it was hard to get a good picture, but you can see her if you look at the left-third, middle.


A.Jean said...

What a great project. Curious, what do Butterfiles eat? Emma, I've been thinking about you, since the bees have been busy pollenating the apples, strawberries and raspberries. Glad you're stil fascinated by insects.

Peggy said...

Awesome. I love your flora and fauna in North Carolina. So glad you were able to experience it all.