OK. Hello. What planet do I think I live on? Because Planet Motherhood brought me back to reality yesterday as I tried to make this crazy vision happen. Since when did sugar cookies become a 12 step program? First mixing the dough, chilling the dough, rolling it out with it sticking to everything. Having to beg the kids to stop playing so we can spend some "quality kitchen time" together. Ha. And then there's the frosting! Not only do you need at least three different colors, but you need one type of thick frosting for the outline and decoration and then you need a fluid frosting for a technique called "flooding," which is basically filling the cookies in. By the time the frosting was ready, the kids had completely lost interest and were begging to be done.
The process took at least 4 hours, 6 different bowls, 5 cookie sheets, a trillion measuring instrument, spatulas, spreading knives and the like, and just about every ounce of patience I had left after a week of "helping" the kids make Valentines for school classes, dance classes, and neighbors; sending off packages to daddy and long distance relatives; and trying to make breakfast and lunch special by producing heart shaped waffles and muffins. Can we say DISHES??? I'm not kidding.
I should have thrown them all in the garbage at that point, but oh no, I had to finish the project, aching feet and all, by myself, when the kids were in bed. The sad thing is that while the cookies are oh-so-pretty to look at, they don't even taste that good! Because they're just too... well, sugary! I figure something good could possibly come out of my calamity, because in my frustration, I had a good idea: I could print a "Sugar Cookies for Dummies" book and it would be number two on the NY Times Bestseller List. Book number one would be "Why Moms Need To Lower Their Expectations and Focus on What's Important."
When it comes to sugar cookies, thats exactly why I only buy premade dough! But Marisa, they turned out gorgeous!
Hilarious. I understand and identify completely. The cookies DO look mouth-watering however. Incidently, I heard you not only shovel snow at 6 AM but at 10 at night as well. Amazing woman. Love you to pieces.
What can I say, other than I NEVER did the grand things you do for poor ol' missing a really good Mom Ty. Even these darling grandkids don't get that kind of attention, ha. Curious if there was a "sugar high" bursting in UT? I love your desire to jump in and maybe even more, complete a project of this type. Your one of the greatest Marisa. I love you. GA Jean
Oh boy...it sounded like "fun". They are absolutely adorable though. I have never made a sugar cookie that could compare. When I come up next week why don't we make homemade bread with fresh strawberry preserves? ha ha ha.
Marisa, your cookies are beautiful!! I had similar plans, but ran out of time. I've promised the kids Easter cookies, in order to use up the pink frosting in my freezer. I was so bad my kids didn't get their treats until the next day! It's still V-day somewhere right?! Maybe, I'm beginning to veto the day since Duane's now missed six in a row. Anyway, you are doing a fabulous job!!
I wish I could eat those cookies right off the page! I've been on a big sugar cookie kick! It's funny how our sometimes glorious expectations don't always turn out how we imagined them! Lucky for your kids, you do so many cute things that they'll be swamped with good memories of their childhood!
Ha ha. I'm sorry for your experience, but I loved reading it. ;) And if you write that #1 bestseller, I'll buy it! Or better yet, I'll help you draw diagrams and stick figures on how Moms can chill out and just love their kids, and really focus on what's important. But wait, I'm still trying to figure that out myself!
Okay...so I am laughing SO hard, because I went through almost the EXACT same process on Valentine's day. The same colors, the frosting thickness and flooding...the dreams of a wonderful party, and the reality of a blood, sweat and tears project!!! Who knew it was 12 step process, right? Who knew? Ha ha ha! I'm glad to know someone else understood my Valentine's blues. Hee hee
Sam and I were laughing way too much over your story. WE had a similar experience with handmade chocolates....
I love you for trying. AND for writing it down.
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