Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Birthday Surprise FROM Shan

We were able to Skype with Shan on his birthday while he opened our package. We didn't know that he had a birthday surprise for US. Let's just say this is the "before" picture.

And here is Captain Baldie. He said he decided to get a haircut for his birthday. I'm glad he wants to shake it up a bit. He's got such thick hair and it grows so fast, it will all be back in no time. It think he may have started an office trend...
These are the soldiers Shan works with. They are such great men and women. We love you!!!
And this little plastic Army guy has a story. When Shan left, Ryan could hardly stand it. He was going crazy at the airport. He decided to give one of his little plastic Army guys to Shan "so you will remember me." Shan has kept it on his desk the whole time and shows it to Ryan when they talk through the computer. How great is that?
And this little critter really creeps me out. It is actually an Iraqi bat. When Shan told me the story, all I could think of was The Office bat episode. The Iraq version is probably funnier though. The poor thing got trapped in the office and was flying around darting at people's heads. Shan decided to close all the doors and open the one at the end of the hall that led to outside. He propped the door open, and waited. When the bat didn't fly out, he walked back inside, only to see the bat coming straight at him. Needless to say, he beelined out the door and the bat was free. I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes.

1 comment:

Jill T said...

That army guy is so sweet! I can't say so much for the bat though! And Shan has a good head to be bald.