Sunday, September 6, 2009

Playing School

So the other day I was playing "school" with Madeline and she was the teacher, of course. I was asking her all sorts of questions about letters and numbers and she was answering them quite well. But then it got to be her nap time, and when she asked if I had another question, I said, "Yes. Where is your blankie?" She was onto me, and she said, "That is not appropriate! That's it- everyone in the hot box." I about died laughing. What?????? So I asked her what the hotbox was and she said, "It's like time out, only hotter." Woah. You better watch out when Madeline's in charge.


Cormorant said...

I love the things kids come up with!

carrie said...

That is so funny!

A.Jean said...

I love you Maddie. You're so smart. Yup, reversing the roles can be loads of fun and one never knows what will pop out of those fabulous mouths.

Mimi said...

I LOVE Madeline. That is hysterical. Where does she come up with this stuff? Such a smartie.

thehiattfamily said...

That is FABULOUS! She is one smart cutie patootie.