Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Army Guy

In case you missed it, I have to share the story of the Army Guy with you. When Shan left for Iraq, Ryan brought along one of his plastic army guys to the airport and gave it to Shan to keep with him while he was gone. So, Shan kept it on his desk and would show it to Ryan when we Skyped (chatted online) and he took pictures of Army Guy over in Iraq. So when Shan got home, he pulled out Mr. Army Guy and gave it back and Ryan was all smiles. "This is my favorite one, mom!" He's been keeping it on his dresser on top of the last letter Shan wrote to him. Having our real Army Guy back is pretty great, and I think it is one of the sweetest stories ever.


A.Jean said...

As soon as I saw Army Guy, I remembered the story. It was so touching at the time and even more now. I'm sure it'll be a prized possesion for along time. What a great story to pass down through the generations. Jean

Jennifer and Jacob said...

That is super adorable!

Peggy said...

Ahhhhhhhh. Lovin' Army Guy. Especially because of Ryan's heart and how his dad and mom understand that sweet heart.

Jade said...

That is so sweet. I remember that army guy. So glad you are all back together again.